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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1.

1. This is my (guling) ……………...
2. Tooth brush in Indonesia means ……………...
3. Nine times two is …………….
4. My mother goes to Bandung by (mobil) ……………...
5. Kapal laut in English is ……………...
6. Twenty plus five is ……………...
7. My shirt is (bersih) ……………...
8. The coffe is (manis) …………….
9. Give me (cawan) ……………... please
10. My eraser is (kecil) ……………..

Write in English
1. Teko = ……………...
2. Piring = ……………...
3. Sendok = ……………...

Fell in the blank!
1. The cofe is (pahit) ……………...
2. The nodle is (pedas) ……………...
3. The tea is (dingin) ……………...

Mention three speses that you have!
1. ……………...
2. ……………...
3. ……………...

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